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Kick Assiest Blog
Wednesday, 10 May 2006
Limbaugh Theory of Relativity: Mainstream Media Influence equals BS (Barbra Streisand) multiplied by Time squared
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Now Playing: MMI=BS x T2
Topic: Funny Stuff

Limbaugh Theory of Relativity


RUSH: This might be an excellent time for me to explain to you my latest mathematical formula, ladies and gentlemen. I mentioned this in the previous hour. Everybody is wondering how can it be that the mainstream media, the Drive-By Media, is losing so much influence, and they are, I mean you see the newspaper circulation. We had the numbers yesterday, down, TV ratings, down, compared to all-time highs back in the eighties. There is a new media out there that consists of talk radio, Fox News, and the blogosphere. They don't have their monopoly anymore. They don't have the automatic ability in one night to shape opinion on anything. They used to have that power. They don't any longer. But despite the fact that they are losing influence, how at the same time are they able to do so much damage? This requires a formula much like Einstein had his theory of relativity, E = mc2. Because after all, admit it, this is a great question that you ask yourselves, how can this possibly be? It's the puzzle of the decade.

How can the Drive-By Media, in such disrepute, create so much negativity? Employment is up, unemployment is down, retirement funds are up, household net worth is up, consumer confidence is up, home ownership is up, virtually every economic statistic that matters is up. How can the reality be so good and the perception be so bad? Well, much as Einstein had his theory of relativity, we here at the Limbaugh Institute have come up with our own theory of relativity for the mainstream media. Here's the formula. We'll put this on the website so you can actually see it. You can play around with it yourself. Here's the formula as expressed. MMI = BS times T squared. MMI = BS x T2. Here's what the symbols in the formula mean. MMI is mainstream media influence. We could call it DBMI, Drive-By Media influence. BS of course equals BS, Barbra Streisand. And the T, equals the time in days. So the formula is MMI = BS times time squared, T squared. Time squared.

That is the media effect day after day, gloom. Day after day, pessimism. Day after day, housing bubble. Day after day, class warfare. Day after day, high gasoline price. Day after day, no future. Day after day, your kids inheriting a giant deficit. They'll never be able to have the life that their parents had. Then they'll run little stories in the so-called evening news, did you lose your job today? Will you lose your job tomorrow? Will your neighbor lose his job tomorrow? Did your neighbor lose his last three jobs during the Bush administration? I'm not sure who said this. "A lie told often enough becomes the truth." Was that Joseph Goebbels? [Lenin] It had to be a Nazi that did it. If there was ever a need for the Limbaugh theory of relativity, it is now, today, this time in our nation's history. The Drive-By Media influence on the economy is one thing. I mean, that's about money. But that influence, the Drive-By Media influence on the war on Islamofascism is another thing. That's about lives. That's about the future of civilization. How can vital interests, national security and so forth, be turned into doom and gloom? Easy. MMI = BS x T2. Time squared, day after day, bad news, day after day, if it bleeds, it leads. Day after day, we don't want to take sides with America because we're not sure that America deserves to win, because we're not sure that America is itself a just cause anymore.

By the way, the Limbaugh Theory, my formula here works just as well with our leadership. We need a strong president to deal with the Iran problem. We need a strong president to lead a flaccid United Nations, a strong president to try to inspire a tired, worn-out Europe. So how can this president, with this economy and this domestic peace, be so low in the polls? MMI = BS x T2. The BS is everything. Everything he does is wrong, every decision he makes is wrong, every nominee he names is wrong, every time he speaks it's wrong. The Limbaugh Theory of relativity explains it all. It's not the criticism, it's not the specific items mentioned. It's the day after day after day after day after day of unceasing media attacks. I'll tell you, I have a theory also about Bush's approval numbers. This business of being at 31% now doesn't make any sense if you measure this in terms that have always been used to define presidential popularity in the past. Why, given this economy, his polls ought to at least be 50. You'd have to subtract some because people are uneasy about the war, and they're uneasy because we are fighting it in a minimalist way.

We could be done with this like we could have been done in Vietnam, much shorter period of time. We don't have the guts to do what it would take in one fell swoop to win, so we meander along. There are some other things. But the economy ought to be bringing this up, and it's not. If you look deeply in some of the most recent polls, you find that there are conservatives who are unhappy with Bush, and Republicans, which I have always maintained, and it's about agenda items. It's about conservatism that's not being implemented or even fought for, so there's that. But I also think that there's a fatigue factor. This administration has not done a whole lot to defend itself. It has left that to others, and I think there's a general fatigue among everybody. I mean, you. You probably go out and talk to people and they say, "What do you think about Bush?" You get tired of trying to explain it.

Folks, I must admit, even I get tired sometimes having to defend this. They don't seem to think it's necessary. They think every news cycle has a life span that's going to end of its own and they're going to sustain it if they respond to all this. There have been some exceptions to this during the course of the past six years, but there are a number of things. In terms of this 31%, which is the new low in whatever poll, or 35 or 36, in terms of this being an accurate representation of what people in this country actually think about Bush or about the current economic circumstances, I don't think it's legitimate. I'm not saying it's being fudged in the polling. It could be some of that. We run into examples where polling companies have oversampled Democrats, for example, to achieve certain results that they want. There's something about this that just doesn't make sense in any of the ways that we have measured approval in the past. So one of two things. Either it is legitimate and there's a whole new way of measuring it that we haven't figured out or caught up to, or it's just gobbledygook and part of oddball kooky times in which we live.


Read the Background Material...
(NRO: Inside the President's Terrible Poll Numbers - Byron York)
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Rush Limbaugh.com ** Limbaugh Theory of Relativity

Posted by yaahoo_2006iest at 8:52 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 10 May 2006 8:59 AM EDT

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