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Kick Assiest Blog
Friday, 28 April 2006
Suddenly, Negative Politics Isn't So Bad; Shades of the Clinton era stories on benefits of lying
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Suddenly, Negative Politics Isn't So Bad

RUSH: Do you remember back during the nineties when Bill Clinton couldn't tell the truth to save his life? He was lying big, small, white, black, whatever; telling lies all over the place. We got stories eventually from the mainstream media about how lying is good. It will spare people hurt feelings, and it actually is a very compassionate thing to lie at the right time, to the right person, about the right things. Well! From the University of Chicago press, we have a book here. This is a book review in the Washington Post.

"A Positive Take on Negative Advertising -- If you are one of those Americans who cringe every time they see a negative political ad on television, John G. Geer is not your cup of tea. Geer, a Vanderbilt University political scientist, has set out to challenge the widely held belief that attack ads and negative campaigns are destroying democracy. Quite the opposite, he argues in his provocative new book: Negativity is good for you and for the political system."

"Negative ads, he says, are far more likely to be about substance rather than personal attacks and are more likely to be supported by documentation than are positive appeals." Now, I know people say there's an axiom, a cliche' that "don't expect negative advertising to go away any time soon because it works," and there's no question that it works. But I'm curious about the timing here, right in the midst of the '06 elections.

I don't know Mr. Geer, but I find it interesting that when we are in the midst of perhaps the most mean-spirited, baseless, personal, negative day-in-and-day-out presentation of the news by the drive-by media and the Democratic Party, that we now got a book saying that's pretty good for us.

That's good for us, so we can benefit from this. It's very substantive. Now, I know he's talking about ads, political ads here. But there's nothing substantive to the Democrats' attacks. That's the point. It is all personal, and it's all based on a foundation of falsehoods, untruths, prevarications and -- for those of you in Rio Linda -- lies. Yet this is good for us, has to potential to be good for us. That's awfully similar to the kind of things we heard about lying being good for us in the nineties.

Read the Background Material... (Washington Post: A Positive Take on Negative Advertising)

Rush Limbaugh.com ** Suddenly, Negative Politics Isn't So Bad

Posted by yaahoo_2006iest at 4:00 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 28 April 2006 4:05 PM EDT

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