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Kick Assiest Blog
Thursday, 20 April 2006
Libtard Joe Biden: 'No One Believes the President'
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Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Sen. Joe Biden: 'No One Believes the President'

Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., says President Bush has no credibility among leaders of foreign nations when it comes to discussions of foreign policy.

Biden, appearing on MSNBC's "Imus in the Morning" show, said Bush lost credibility when weapons of mass destruction were not found in Iraq and his reluctance to apologize for "coming clean on Iraq" is hurting the nation's reputation abroad.

"The president has yet to be straight with the American people on what the deal in Iraq is," Biden said. "All the way back since Abu Ghraib, the president has yet to be straight about the mistakes he has made ... He has no credibility. No one believes the president of the United States on matters of foreign policy."

On the recent White House personnel moves, Biden doesn't think the changes will do much to change policy, unless Bush does something "big," like fire Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

"It's about the fact that no one has faith in the United States of America as long as Rumsfeld is running the show," Biden said. "Look where we are now: Nobody in the world is prepared to trust the president of the United States, led by Donald Rumsfeld leading the military to use military force against Iran.

"We can't sustain this lack of credibility for the next 2 1/2 years," Biden said.

Biden said it would be a big mistake for the U.S. to launch a military strike against Iran, especially since he believes Iran is 5-10 years away from being able to launch nuclear missiles of their own.

"There are 70 million people in Iran," Biden said. "These guys are not Iraq. They have ways in which they can make it very painful for the United States."

News Max.com ~ Carl Limbacher ** Sen. Joe Biden: 'No One Believes the President'

Posted by yaahoo_2006iest at 3:53 PM EDT

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