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Saturday, 1 April 2006
Demented-crats Take National Security Workshop
Mood:  silly
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Democrats Take National Security Workshop


RUSH: Folks, yesterday as you know we began the program by issuing a warning to terrorists, so look out, and be on the watch-out, because the Democrats have a security plan -- and we'll talk about that security plan here in mere moments. But before we get to that, this is funny. The Democrats -- 36 of them, 36 Democratic candidates -- are scheduled to gather in Washington Monday for workshops on national security and military issues, and the scheduled speakers include former defense secretary William Perry, former Florida Senator Bob Graham and retired three-star Army lieutenant General Claudia Kennedy.

The event is being sponsored by California Representative Jane Harman's SecureUS PAC, or Secure Us I guess is how she probably pronounces it, and the moderate [sic] think tank Third Way, will include roundtable discussions and critiques of the candidates' speeches on homeland security, weapons proliferation, and the war in Iraq. They have to have a workshop! They have to have a workshop on national security; and furthermore, they're going to critique candidates' speeches. Other tips no doubt will be offered. I can just see the classes. "Who is the enemy of the US?" If you're going to have a workshop on national security with Democrats you've got to tell them who the enemy is, because most of them think it's Bush. The others think it's Cheney. Maybe a combination of them think it's Rumsfeld.

So that would be the first thing they would have to do: Who is the enemy of the US? Then they'd have to do a workshop on what "national interests" means and what "national security" means. Then let's say Harry Reid shows up. They'll critique his speech, "Hey, Harry, great speech, pal, but you might want to work victory into that speech." I wonder if they'll talk about victory. This is just amazing, and they're all excited about it. They're all excited. They're feeling their oats. They're going to "take back" security now, ladies and gentlemen. It's something they have to "take back," and by admitting they have to take it back it means they don't have it. It means they're not anywhere on the issue -- despite the ports deal.

And there's news about the ports deal today. I'm not making up port deal news. They think I'm making up news about the port deal just to be able to say "the port deal." (Laughing.) Anyway, I think it's fascinating. These guys have to take back the security issue -- and, of course, at the top of the list: if they win Congress, the Democrats say they are going to catch Osama bin Laden, the same Osama bin Laden that Bill Clinton let slip through our fingers two or three times. They're going to increase the number of spies. They're going to double the number of troops and Special Forces, and they're going to be "tough and smart," says their Senate leader, Dingy Harry.

Nancy Pelosi over in the House said we're going to be "strong and smart." She left out tough. So they say they're going to get Osama. Well, how they going to do this? It might serve us well to examine their track record, because they don't want to do any spying on terrorists who are phoning into America or phoning out of America. They have no desire to find out what terrorists are up to. They want to impeach and censure the president. Oh, by the way, the big censure hearing today. They had more witnesses than they had senators, and at the end of it, it was just Specter and Feingold. Feingold finally got fed up and walked out of his own hearing.

They actually brought John Dean in there, and he's just off his rocker and is talking all about himself. We have audio sound bites of that coming up. So they're doing hearings about trying to censure President Bush for trying to find out the next time Al-Qaeda might hit us, and yet they are going to be the ones to capture Osama. They're going to be the ones to get tough. They're going to be the ones to take back the security issue. Now, Dingy Harry, you know, when they "killed" the Patriot Act he called a little press conference and they started laughing and applauding. "We killed the Patriot Act!" even though they didn't.

They tried to. I assume that if they're elected and win the White House, win Congress and so forth at some point, that they will kill the Patriot Act, because that's what their orientation is. They want to cut and run from terrorists in Iraq. We're talking here about how they're going to catch Osama and how they're going to take back the security issue. They want to do what John Murtha's plan is, immediate withdrawal, because they think we've lost the war. They're invested in us losing the war. These are the guys that claim they're going to get the security issue back, or take it back, and yet if you watch what they've done, everything they've done is an investment in defeat.

They're trying to give terrorists legal rights! The Terrorist Bill of Rights! They want to make sure that Bush cannot mistreat them in prison, can't "torture" them. They want to make sure that they have access to our courts as full-fledged citizens of the United States have. They want to make sure that we're not going to be mean when we torture these terrorists, like making them stay awake during interrogations. The Democrats, why, they'll vote for funding the troops before they vote against it! This is their track record. This is all laughable. No wonder they have to have a national security workshop.

Can you believe this? National security. It's like having a meeting behind closed doors to figure out what they believe. This is supposed to look serious, ladies and gentlemen. We're supposed to see this and we're supposed to understand that these people are serious. They want to protect us. They want to protect the country, and they're getting serious, and they're having workshops on national security. This is the way liberals do things. Now, if you doubt their commitment to national security, if you doubt their commitment to all this, all you have to do is look at what Democrat congressperson Cynthia McKinney is going through. She slugged a Capitol police officer who asked her for identification. There's going to be a warrant for her arrest issued this afternoon. Howard Fineman was on television last night saying (summary), "Hey, she was just apprehended because she was black." They're already trying to charge racism in this. So the bottom line is the Democrats will take back security, folks, to the Stone Ages if you are dumb enough (and some of people in this country are) if you are dumb enough to elect them. Forget what they come out of their workshop and say. Forget what their battle plan is. Never forget what the last three years have been like.


Remember the Democrat Party's Real Record on Fighting Terrorism...
(Alito Hearings: First Democrat Issue: Terrorist Rights)
(Truth Detector: Patrick Leahy’s Al-Qaeda Bill of Rights)
(Dem Bill of Rights for Terrorists: FISA Court Rules Demolish Colin's Talking Point, Ideological Corruption of Liberalism Puts Dems on Enemy Side of the War on Terror)

Read the Background Material...
(AP: DeWine gets Bush's ear)
(AP: Capitol Hill police plan to issue an arrest warrant today for Rep. Cynthia McKinney)
(AP: No Apology From McKinney for Hill Scuffle)

Rush Limbaugh.com ** Democrats Take National Security Workshop

Posted by yaahoo_2006iest at 9:33 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 1 April 2006 10:10 AM EST

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