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Kick Assiest Blog
Saturday, 1 April 2006
Saddam Hussein and terrorist training
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Topic: Yahoo Chat Stuff

Terror training

The more documents that emerge from Saddam Hussein's reign of terror, the more evidence stacks up that his regime was in lockstep with international terrorists.

Newly released papers seized after the March 2003 U.S.-led invasion reveal contacts made between Saddam's top aides and Osama bin Laden, particularly during the al Qaeda leader's stay in Sudan.

The huge collection also gave a history of the regime put out last week by U.S. Forces Command.

The command told of meticulously kept files by the Gestapolike Fedayeen Saddam, which the dictator put in place to prevent military coups and to enforce his rule through threats and killings.

The documents show the fanatical Fedayeen operated bustling terror training camps for recruits from all over the Middle East.

The book, titled, "The Iraqi Perspective Project," states:

"Beginning in 1994, the Fedayeen Saddam opened its own paramilitary training camps for volunteers, graduating more than 7,200 'good men racing full with courage and enthusiasm' in the first year. Beginning in 1998, these camps began hosting 'Arab volunteers from Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, the Gulf and Syria.' It is not clear from available evidence where all of these non-Iraqi volunteers who were 'sacrificing for the cause' went to ply their newfound skills.

"Before the summer of 2002, most volunteers went home upon the completion of training. But these training camps were humming with frenzied activity in the months immediately prior to the war. As late as January 2003, the volunteers participated in a special event called the 'Heroes Attack.'

"This training event was designed in part to prepare regional Fedayeen Saddam commands to 'obstruct the enemy from achieving his goal and to support keeping peace and stability in the province.'"

Overseen by Saddam's son, Uday, the Fedayeen trained foreign "heroes" and Iraqis in commando tactics, surveillance and explosives. The Iraqi Intelligence Service supplied the Fedayeen with silencers, training in explosives and booby-trapping cars, and timers.

"The only apparent use for all of this ... equipment was to conduct commando or terrorist operations," the Joint Forces history said.

Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough are Pentagon reporters. Mr. Gertz can be reached at 202/636-3274 or e-mail at bgertz@washingtontimes.com. Mr. Scarborough can be reached at 202/636-3208 or e-mail at rscarborough@washingtontimes.com.
Washington Times ~ Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough ** Inside the Ring - Terror training
Related: Saddam bargained with any and all terrorists...
American Spectator ~ Laurie Mylroie and Ayad Rahim ** State-Sponsored Terrorism, Anyone?

Posted by yaahoo_2006iest at 6:04 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 1 April 2006 6:09 AM EST

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