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Kick Assiest Blog
Thursday, 9 March 2006
Delusions, Desperation and Democrats
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Delusions, Desperation and Democrats

Over the last several weeks I have watched in awe as a dominant force in American and world politics has attempted to destroy itself. The Democrat Party, once a juggernaut of seemingly endless power, wealth and influence has become a laughing stock. Liberals around the world must be scratching their heads and wondering what could have happened to the Party of the Almighty Jackass. What has happened is that through their own actions they have exposed themselves better than any conservative commentator could have hoped to do.

Let's review recent events...

The ports issue has demonstrated just how ignorant of our nation the Democrats (and a lot of Republicans) actually are. There stood Hillary and Chucky on their soapbox, blathering on and on about how no country with ties to terrorism should operate a port in America. I wonder how hard the Saudis were laughing at Hillary, given that they operate port terminals in a half-dozen states? Ahem... terrorist ties? Someone give Hillary a hanky so she can wipe the egg off her face.

The McLennan County Ditch Witch is back in the news, too. Cindy Sheehan continues to make a complete fool of herself and any who get near her. Cindy has insulted both her heroic son and the cause for which he so bravely fought and died. I had thought she'd found her limit when she was hauled away in cuffs from the White House. I was wrong. Remember the State of the Union Speech? Cindy Sheehan votes. Shouldn't you?

Democrats were jumping for joy when it looked like the Abramoff scandal might take down a few Republicans. Until, that is, they discovered that Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton might also get their political noses bloodied. Sometimes it's better to just keep your mouth shut. Sure, there are some corrupt Republicans in Washington. A few. Very few. And there are absolutely honest Democrats, too. A few. Very few.

With congressional elections fast approaching, the Dems are desperately seeking any inroad they can find to gain a few seats in the House and Senate. Their problem is that they haven't had a fresh idea in 40 years. Competent, America-loving and God-fearing people are fleeing the Democrat Party in droves. The vast majority of the party's voting base now consists of the lunatic fringe element of the far left and lifelong, uneducated welfare recipients who still swallow the Big Lie that they can't make it on their own. That's not going to win many elections -- assuming that Republicans get off their butts and vote.

A prime example of Democrat desperation is the non-scandal of Dick Cheney's hunting accident. The Dems and their partners in the Antique Media made the most of it, calling for investigations and insinuating that Cheney might have been drinking when the accident occurred. Police conducted an appropriate investigation and found it to be nothing more than a simple accident and closed the case. The air in Washington was thick with disappointment.

And let's not forget the nutty conspiracy theories floating around regarding 9-11. The last time I checked, the dominant delusion was that George W. Bush arranged for explosives to be placed inside the Twin towers to bring them down. The airliners that hit the towers and the Pentagon were nothing more than diversions. It's all about oil, see... and Bush needed an excuse to go conquer the Middle East to make money for his buddies in Big Oil. People like these may have God wondering why He didn't just stick with the dinosaurs.

Speaking of the lunatics... has anyone noticed that as time goes by they are having more and more trouble keeping their clothes on? Events like "Breasts Not Bombs" last July don't win you any credibility. I've also seen aerial photographs of hundreds of naked liberals who align their bodies in the dirt to spell out anti-war messages. Mercifully, most of these aerial shots were from an altitude sufficient to obscure the "details."

Be warned, by the way... there is a link below to a website for Breasts Not Bombs. There are pictures here, too -- taken by a participant. Some people look okay naked. Most don't. If you visit the site, be sure to have a strong nausea medication within arm's reach. I recommend that you spend a moment there simply to get a look at the type of people the Democrats will be pandering to if they regain control of our government.

Any and every Democrat running for election in 2006 will be depending upon the Loony Left for the bulk of his or her votes. That means that elected Democrats will be more obligated than ever to enact the agenda of a group of people who believe that:

George Bush bombed the Twin Towers

George Bush blew up the levies at New Orleans

God is a myth

The universe, and all life within it, is an accident

Killing convicted murderers is bad, but killing unborn children is a woman's right

Running around naked is a valid form of political expression

Everyone is entitled to a portion of your paycheck, except you

See you at the polls.

Related Reading:
Washington Post ** US Port management

Peacenik pacifist libtard site ** Naked War Protesters
WARNING: This webpage is filled with photos of nude protestors. It's not a pretty sight. I suggest that you have a trash can handy to barf into. These are not "beautiful people", trust me on this.

Popular Mechanics ** Debunking the 911 Myths
*NOTE: There is a website that claims that Bush not only flew the planes into the WTC, but that on impact, he detonated "mini-hydrogen bombs" previously planted, to bring the Towers down. That's right, hydrogen bombs. When I read idiocy like this, it makes think that perhaps a world-wide bird flu pandemic wouldn't be nearly as bad as the insanity pandemic that is currently sweeping around the world.

New Media Journal ~ The Rant.us - Alan Burkhart ** Delusions, Desperation and Democrats

Posted by yaahoo_2006iest at 4:55 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 9 March 2006 5:30 PM EST

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