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Kick Assiest Blog
Tuesday, 7 March 2006
Rolling in dough Hillary Clintax $uffers heart(land) failure
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Lib Loser Stories


WASHINGTON - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been gassing up her fund-raising machine across the country - but barely a trickle of cash is coming from the reddest of heartland states.

Clinton has just one campaign donor each in Idaho, South Dakota and North Dakota, and two in Montana, according to a review of federal records by PoliticalMoneyLine, a fund-raising watchdog group.

She has banked $1,000 apiece from her Idaho and South Dakota loyalists, while the lone North Dakotan chipped in $250. The two Montanans ponied up a total of $750.

She has single-digit donors in Alaska, Wyoming and Utah.

Still, those seven states combine for a puny 24 electoral votes - chump change for Clinton, who is way ahead in re-election polls and the early front-runner for the Democrats' 2008 White House nomination.

She's gobbled up $5.6 million from 6,400 New Yorkers - tops on her list - and $1.5 million from 1,600 Californians, second best, since the start of 2005.

The big shots from President Bush's home state of Texas have taken a shine to Clinton, giving her $540,000 - more than the $450,000 that donors in Massachusetts have thrown into her kitty.

And the key presidential swing states of Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio rank among her top 20.

So do Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia - GOP presidential strongholds peppered with big Dem donors.

In Iowa and New Hampshire - home to the first caucus and primary election in the 2008 campaign season - donors have given Clinton a relatively small $21,000 and $15,000, respectively.

Thirty-eight donors from Puerto Rico have given her $71,000 - four times more than she has gotten from her former home state of Arkansas.

NY Post ~ Ian Bishop ** Rolling in Dough Clinton $uffers Heart(land) Failure

Considering that the last election came down to one stste, I'm surprised that anyone will call 24 votes, puny.
But then thats the Demented-crats opinion of middle-America. So I guess they are going with the same "screw the South and Middle-America" plan in 08.

Posted by yaahoo_2006iest at 1:39 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 7 March 2006 1:46 AM EST

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