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Kick Assiest Blog
Tuesday, 7 March 2006
New Supreme Court defeats the left 8-0 on campus recruiting
Mood:  chatty
Topic: News

You outta see this. The libtarded Democratic Underground is calling it a right wing takeover, despite the fact the Breyer, Ginsberg, Kennedy, and Souter all voted for it... Hillarious Link Here. Unanimous? Was Ginsberg asleep again???

Left Bitten By Own Requirement on Military Recruitment


RUSH: The big news this morning is the Supreme Court decision, a unanimous decision ruling that colleges that accept federal money must allow military recruiters on campus despite university objections to the Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays. It's a bunch of lawyers that brought this case, a bunch of libs, and it's interesting. Yale, where they got this Taliban man, the Taliban guy that is now at Yale. It's absurd and it makes that story, I think, even more poignant because here we can't get the military, these people do not want military recruiters on campus under some bogus fear of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. That's not why they don't want them there. They don't want them there because they hate them. They don't like the US military. You know, Mr. Snerdley, this update that we did that ran this morning on the radio, I must have watched that -- I was laughing at myself -- doing that update and the video version of it.

This idiot supervisor in San Francisco who says we gotta get rid of the military. Somebody asked him, "Well, how are we going to defend ourselves?" I have to admit, I seldom laugh at myself. I watched going through that part of the update with the cigar in my mouth just laughing myself silly. His answer was, "Well, cops. It's called the Coast Guard, lots of different things." So they want to get rid of the military and this is just a convenient excuse. But what's ironic about this is that the reason they had no choice here, when the federal government supplies money to anything, it's like the mob, you have to let them operate it, like the seat belt law. The federal government makes the states enforce seat belt laws because of highway funds. The school lunch program allows the feds some say-so in curriculum. And now if you're going to take federal money as a university, then you have to, what the court said -- and this is just the precedent -- the one thing you don't know -- you never know what the courts going to do.

This seemed so predictable to me because there's no choice. But sometimes the court will surprise everybody and not follow precedent or come up with some oddball foreign interpretation that would obviate the proper ruling. But in this case, they really did what was predictable, they had no choice. They upheld past decisions. They do this with the highway funds as I said. It says something, though, but there was some concern about this before the ruling came out. It says something that before the decision, there was some doubt. And that's because you really can not be sure, never really know just what the court will follow, be it the law or its own precedent, or when it won't do that. But I mean the legal professors, law professors that brought this is what I love about it, because it's been the liberals who demanded in the past that if a state or institution takes federal money, including student loans, that they buckle to the will of the federal government. So the court had to uphold this as past practice. And so the left is, in a sense here -- and this is the irony, the delicious part of it -- has been bitten by its own requirement. They love the federal government being involved in everything. They think that's fabulous, so that came back to bite them. Since the federal government has to be involved then military recruiters do get to show up on campus.


Read the Background Material...
(NY Times: Supreme Court Upholds Campus Military Recruiting)
(Yale is embarrassed to have a Taliban leader on campus -- but not embarrassed enough)
* Note: Links to content outside RushLimbaugh.com usually become inactive over time.

Rush Limbaugh.com ** Left Bitten By Own Requirement on Military Recruitment

Also at:
Fox News ~ Jane Roh ** Supreme Court Rules Against Schools in Military Recruiting Case

Posted by yaahoo_2006iest at 1:00 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 7 March 2006 1:22 AM EST

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