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Thursday, 16 February 2006
The Libtarded ''Scandal Hunting'' Accident Heard 'Round the World
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The Libtarded "Scandal Hunting" Accident Heard 'Round the World

The libtarded White House press pack, the mainstream demented-crat media, and the nut-case-ical bloggers have had a field day over Cheney's hunting accident. And it seems to keep snowballing out of control, right from it's out-of-control starting point.

From the very beginning, when the news broke, and the White House press core had a collective hissy fit that they weren't handed the scoop on a silver platter, was the first of many amazing examples of a whacko media out of control.

Nobody in the public arena has yet to explain why the most vicious, confrontational media to any administration in a lifetime should be catered to, by the very targets of their ire.

The libtard media talking heads have been having quite the time asking the question "Why didn't he run to the media core at an instant like we demand he should?" And here's the obvious answer the "intellectual" libtard media never dared to ponder...

I for the life of me can't imagine Cheney saying to himself "I just shot my friend, the is the most terrible, embarrassing thing to happen... I can't wait to tell the very media that wants to destroy me!"

Now, Cheney has "broke his silence" on Fox News, and that's not enough for the mainstream (supposedly fair and objective) media. As headlined on The Drudge Report as I type... CNN SLAM AFTER CHENEY GOES TO FOX ...'A little bit like Bonnie interviewing Clyde' --- (Video)

But that was just the beginning, from there came the bullshit conspiracy theories (as if the demented-crats didn't look kooky enough.) From the "drunk off his ass" theory, to the "shot him on purpose to send a message to Scooter Libby" theory, and now to the latest, "Cheney's secret affair" theory... the moonbat blogs and talking head libtards won't let an ounce of evidence or fact get in the way of the next manufactured scandal they see this as.

Once again, these libtard "intellectuals" are asking another typical third grade mentality question for them, which is, "If Cheney was so caring and worried, why didn't he go to the hospital?" (This is where I adorn my elementary school teacher hat to answer): The Vice President of the United States doesn't make a circus atmosphere of his friend's injury! (Much to the dem's shagrin)

Fact #1 getting in the libtards way: Cheney was in touch via phone to the hospital getting a read on Harry Whittington's condition. (At the time the elite media demanded Cheney be reporting to them)

But that doesn't hold a candle to the libtard conspiracy theories. The demented-crat mentality (and talking point) is: "Bush-Cheney lied about x,y, and z... how can we believe them now?"

Fact #2 getting in the libtards way: You demented-crats shot your wad (as usual) theorizing Cheney was "drunk off his ass". One beer during lunch, hours before the incident - made you look stupid from the start, but you didn't stop there...

Fact #3, The US Secret Service are not just bodyguards, THEY'RE OFFICERS OF THE LAW! It was duely reported and there was no subterfuge.

Which leads to the most elementary, fundamental fact of all: THERE WAS NO COVER-UP ... IT WAS A SIMPLE HUNTING ACCIDENT! LOL, I have a funny feeling this won't be the end of me setting the libtards towards the path of sanity and reason, so check back for more to follow.

In the meantime, check out some of the libtarded, moonbat insanity on full display:
San Francisco Chronicle ~ LA Times - Matea Gold ** Critics slam Cheney's interview choice
Media Matters.org ** Cafferty: Hume interviewing Cheney "like Bonnie interviewing Clyde"
NY Times ~ Maureen Dowd ** Shooter Slips on a Silencer
And the latest libtard conspiracy theory... "Whittington died"

Final Police Report on Shooting:
The Smoking Gun.com ** Texas Cops Release Cheney Shooting Report

Posted by yaahoo_2006iest at 2:29 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 16 February 2006 10:32 PM EST

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